Apply for Funding
The Black Home Birth Initiative provides funding for families to pay for care with a Black midwife, or to cover the cost of a doula for their homebirth. Please fill out the information below in it’s entirety. Funding availability and grant amounts are disbursed based on availability of funds. If funds are not available when you apply, your name will be added to a waiting list and you will be contacted once funds become available.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must self-identify as Black
Applicants must currently be pregnant
Applicants must have an identified midwife that they will be working with for their pregnancy and birth.
*Identified midwife must be a fully trained CPM, LM, TM, CM, or CNM.
Applicants who are applying for doula support at their home birth must have a fully trained midwife in attendance.
The Black Home Birth Initiative does not fund free births or doula-only attended home births (home births with a doula but no midwife).
Applicant’s pregnancy must be considered low-risk and must be confirmed eligible for a homebirth by their chosen midwife
Applicants must have self-reported financial barriers to accessing a home birth
If not birthing with the Black Home Birth Initiative, the chosen midwife or doula must identify as Black, African, African American, or Afro-Latinx.
Funding Amounts
The amount of funding granted to each family will be based on funding availability and the following factors:
Reported need by the family
Presence of additional risk factors and/or socioeconomic barriers to accessing care
Receipt of government assistance (SNAP, Cash Assistance, Medicaid, etc.)
Please note that not all families will be eligible for full funding. Funding will be offered in a percentage amount of the full midwifery fee from 30% to 100%.
Please fill out the below form in it’s entirety. If you need assistance to fill out this form, please contact
CPM - certified professional midwife CM - certified midwife
LM - licensed midwife CNM - certified nurse midwife
TM - traditional midwife